Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Everything Has Been Entrusted To ME By MY FATHER.

"On that occasion JESUS said, 'FATHER, LORD of heaven and earth, I praise YOU, because YOU have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to simple people.  Yes, FATHER, this is what pleased YOU.
Everything has been entrusted to ME by MY FATHER.  No one knows the SON except the FATHER, and no one knows the FATHER except the SON and those to whom the SON chooses to reveal HIM'." - Matthew 11:25-27  
(JESUS prayer impressed the disciples.  In this text it is a short prayer, prompted by the most recent events; events and daily life are also a source of prayer.

YOU have hidden these things.  Intelligent people are not excluded from the faith, of course, but it is the glory of GOD that faith should not seem to be the privilege of the wise and the intelligent; human wisdom never gives what is essential and often hides it.  There were in Palestine at the time some wise people and many others who pretended to be so, but they were rarely seen among the disciples of JESUS.

Everything has been entrusted to ME.  GOD does what is needed for people to have always and in all places thousands of ways of knowing HIM.  In this life it is only through JESUS that we have the revelation of the FATHER.)


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