Sunday, July 21, 2024

On My Bed At Night I Looked For The One I Love

"On my  bed at night
I looked for the one I love,
I sought HIM without finding HIM;
I called HIM and HE did not answer.
I will rise and go about the city,
through the streets and the squares;
I will seek the love of my heart...

I sought HIM without finding HIM;
the watchmen came upon me,
those who patrol the city.
'Have you seen the love of my heart?'
As soon as I left them,
I found the love of my heart.
I held HIM and would not let HIM go
till I had brought HIM to my mother's house
to the room of her who conceived me."
Song of Songs 3:1-4

(On my bed at night I looked for the one I love.  Love keeps us awake.  Mary Magdalene goes through the entire city looking for JESUS and, for the first time, passersby laugh at her.  She comes into the house without seeing the porter and he does not dare stop her; she knew that she would reach JESUS.  I held HIM and would not let HIM go, but one day JESUS will say to her: "Do not hold on to ME" [John 20:17].)

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