Monday, May 15, 2023

What Is The Path Of Righteousness

"But now I AM going to the One who sent ME, and none of you asks ME where I AM going; instead you are overcome with grief, because of what I have said.

Believe ME, it is better for you that I go away, because as long as I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you.  But if I go away, I will send HIM to you, and when HE comes, HE will vindicate the truth before a sinful world; and HE will vindicate the paths of righteousness and justice.
What is the world's sin, in regard to ME?  Disbelief.  What is the path of righteousness?  It is the path I walk, by which I go to the FATHER; and you shall see ME no more.  What is the path of justice?  It is the path on which the prince of this world will always stand condemned." - John 16:5-11 
(Starting from the day of Pentecost, the Spirit began to act in the Church, thus showing that HE was the Spirit of CHRIST.  The unbelieving Jews thought that GOD was with them, but in reality HIS Spirit did not act among them.  So it was clear that they had sinned [16:9] for not believing in CHRIST.

What is the path of righteousness?  The righteous One is CHRIST and the righteous persons are those who believe in HIM without seeing HIM.

The Acts of the Apostles records how the Spirit worked in the first disciples of JESUS.  Before granting miraculous powers, the Spirit gave them joy, peace, and mutual love, as well as inner certainty that JESUS had risen and was among them.)

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