Monday, May 08, 2023

Praise Of GOD's Grandeur

 "Compassionate and gracious is YAHWEH, slow to anger and abounding in love.
YAHWEH is good to everyone; HIS mercy embraces all HIS creation.
All YOUR works will give YOU thanks; all YOUR saints, O YAHWEH, will praise YOU.
They will tell of the glory of YOUR kingdom; and speak of YOUR power, that all may know of YOUR mighty deeds, YOUR reign, and its glorious splendor.
YOUR reign is from age to age; YOUR dominion endures, from generation to generation.
YAHWEH is true to HIS promises and lets HIS mercy show in all HE does."
Psalm 145:8-13

(When we reflect on what GOD has done for us, we remember that this is what GOD has always done; our lives are borne along on the unending stream of divine love.  To the eternal GOD, eternal praise be given.)


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