Wednesday, December 14, 2022

"I AM Sending MY Messenger Ahead Of YOU To Prepare YOUR Way."

 "When John's messengers had gone, JESUS began speaking to the people about John.  And HE said, 'What did you want to see, when you went to the desert?  A reed blowing in the wind?  What was there to see?  A man dressed in fine clothes?  But people who wear fine clothes and enjoy delicate food are found in palaces.  What did you go out to see?  A prophet?  Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.  For John is the one foretold in Scripture in these words: I AM sending MY messenger ahead of YOU to prepare YOUR way.  No one may be found greater than John among those born of women; but I tell you, the least in the kingdom of GOD is greater than he.

All the people listening to HIM, even the tax collectors, had acknowledged the will of GOD in receiving the baptism of John, whereas the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, in not letting themselves be baptized by him, ignored the will of GOD.'" - Luke 7:24-30 

(When John's messengers had gone.  Most of John's disciples continued to follow him and did not acknowledge JESUS.  JESUS did not accuse them, instead HE praised John and situated HIMSELF in respect to John.

A prophet and more than a prophet.  JESUS clearly takes a stand in favor of John, yet John was the subject of many reservations in respected circles.  No one [the Gospel uses the Jewish term: among those born of woman, that simply means: no one] could be found greater than John.  For the common people John was the greatest contemporary figure.  JESUS agreed with them for this reason: John introduced the Savior and the kingdom of GOD.

The least in the kingdom of GOD is greater than he: in the sense that JESUS' disciples entered the kingdom that John only announced.  However holy John may have been, he was not given the knowledge of GOD that permeated JESUS.  Actually, JESUS emphasized the superiority, not of HIS disciples as compared to John, but of HIS own mission when compared with that of John.

John said that each one had to straighten out his life.  JESUS rather insists that all efforts are useless if a person does not believe in the FATHER's love.  John's disciples used to fast; JESUS disciples will know how to forgive.  John attracted to the desert those who knew how to let go of conveniences that they were accustomed to; JESUS lives among people and heals their wounds.  The baptism of John signified a person's willingness to give up his vices, while the baptism of JESUS bestows the Spirit of GOD.)


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