Friday, December 30, 2022

Duties Towards Parents

 "For the LORD established that children should respect their father; HE confirmed the right of the mother over her children.

Whoever honors his father atones for his sins; he who gives glory to his mother prepares a treasure for himself.

Whoever honors his father will receive joy from his own children and will be heard when he prays.

Whoever glorifies his father will have a long life.  Whoever obeys the LORD gives comfort to his mother.  He serves those who brought him to birth as he would serve the LORD.

My child, take care of your father in his old age, do not cause him sorrow as long as he lives.

Even if he has lost his mind, have patience; do not be disrespectful to him while you are in full health.

For kindness done to one's father will never be forgotten, it will serve as reparation for your sins." - Sirach 3:2-7. 12-14 

(This is the best commentary on Moses' commandment concerning children's responsibilities toward their parents.  To honor our parents means to respect, to be understanding and to offer material assistance in their difficulties.)


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