Thursday, December 15, 2022

GOD Calls Everyone

 "This is what YAHWEH says:

Maintain what is right and do what is just, for MY salvation is close at hand, MY justice is soon to come.

Blessed is the mortal who does these things, and perseveres in them, who does not defile the Sabbath and who refrains from evil.

Let no foreigner say, 'Surely YAHWEH will exclude me from HIS people.'  Neither let the castrated man say, 'I have become a mere dry tree.'

YAHWEH says to the foreigners who join HIM, serving HIM and loving HIS name, keeping HIS Sabbath unprofaned and remaining faithful to HIS Covenant:

I will bring them to MY holy mountain and give them joy in MY house of prayer.  I will accept on MY altar their burnt offerings and sacrifices, for MY house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations. 

Thus says the LORD YAHWEH, who gathers the exiles of Israel: There are others I will gather besides those already gathered." - Isaiah 56:1-3. 6-8 

(The Jewish law--reflecting the thinking of the times--excluded foreigners in certain circumstances, as well as eunuchs, [castrated men] from their religious assemblies.

The prophet reveals that such exclusion is not endorsed by GOD.)


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