Friday, December 18, 2015

The Good Shepherd

Hello! and happy TGIF to all of us; and, it's just 7 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  For our weekend's "food for the soul":

THE GOOD NEWS (18 December 2015)
"YAHWEH further says, 'The day is coming when I will raise up a king who is David's righteous successor.  HE will rule wisely and govern with justice and righteousness.  That will be a grandiose era when Judah will enjoy peace and Israel will live in safety.  HE will be called YAHWEH-OUR-JUSTICE!'
'The days are coming,' says YAHWEH, 'when people shall no longer swear by YAHWEH as the living GOD who freed the people of Israel from the land of Egypt.  Rather, they will swear by YAHWEH as the living GOD who restored the descendants of Israel from the northern empire and from all the lands where HE had driven them, to live again in their own land'!" - Jeremiah 23:5-8

(GOD promises lasting peace.  The new people of GOD will be more than a mere continuation of the old kingdom of Israel, and the new king will be more than the earthly kings [see how JESUS develops this point in John 10].

Humankind hopes for unity in peace, and the Church now must offer the witness of different peoples gathered in CHRIST.  The reality, however, will be achieved only in the heavenly Jerusalem [Revelation 21:22].

Jeremiah expresses the same hope elsewhere, especially in 33:15-18.  In Ezekiel 34 we find the same image of the Good Shepherd preparing for what JESUS will say in John 10, Luke 15:4 and Matthew 9:36.)

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