Monday, December 14, 2015

Calling On GOD In Trials!

Hello! and happy good first day of the week to all of us; and, it's just 11 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Our first-thing-first this Monday:

THE GOOD NEWS (14 December 2015)
"Teach me YOUR ways, O LORD; make known to me YOUR paths.
Guide me in YOUR truth and instruct me, for YOU are my GOD, my savior; I hope in YOU all day long.
Remember YOUR compassion, O LORD, YOUR unfailing love from of old.
Remember not the sins of my youth, but in YOUR love remember me.
Good and upright, the LORD teaches sinners HIS way.
HE teaches the humble of heart and guides them in what is right."

(Psalm 25:4-9)

(The Bible does not know despair. We can be broken by sorrow, anxiety, the weight of sin, but there is always an escape.  All our paths, even the worst, can finally lead to a love stronger than all the powers of this world.

Remember YOUR compassion, O LORD, YOUR unfailing love from of old.  Remember not the sins of my youth.  The love of GOD for us has been eternally expressed by the blood of JESUS.  GOD will never forsake HIS people.  Every mass celebrates this covenant between GOD and us in the blood of JESUS.)

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