Sunday, December 06, 2015

2nd Sunday Of Advent, 2015-2016

Hi! and happy holy and family day to all of us; and, it's just 19 days to go before Christmas, GUYS. For our first-thing-first this 2nd Sunday of Advent:

THE GOOD NEWS (06 December 2015)
"GOD knows that I love you dearly with the love of CHRIST JESUS, and in my prayers I ask that your love may lead you each day to a deeper knowledge and clearer discernment, that you may have good criteria for everything.  So you may be pure of heart and come blameless to the day of CHRIST, filled with the fruit of holiness that comes through CHRIST JESUS, for the glory and praise of GOD." - Philippians 1:8-11 

(Knowledge and discernment... A good heart and generosity are not everything in Christian life.  We are not saved, we do not reach our true stature, we are not remade as GOD would like us to be, unless clarity has guided generosity.  It is the same for world salvation.  GOD calls us to discover new ways. We need to reflect, to be attentive, what we could call "revision of life," in order to discover what is positive and negative in our daily life, work relationships, social duties, leisure.  This reflection, however, is not sufficient:  among GOD's gifts, there is spiritual knowledge that gives us a fresh vision of the order of values and of the will of GOD.)  

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