Wednesday, June 30, 2021

They Praised GOD For Giving Such Power To Human Beings

 "JESUS got back into the boat, crossed the lake again, and came to HIS hometown.  Here, they brought to HIM a paralyzed man, lying on a bed.  JESUS saw their faith and said to the paralytic, 'Courage, MY son!  Your sins are forgiven.'

Some teachers of the law said within themselves, 'This man insults GOD.'  JESUS was aware of what they were thinking; and said, 'Why have you such evil thoughts?  Which is easier to say: 'Your sins are forgiven' or 'Stand up and walk'?  But that you may know, that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins,' HE said to the paralyzed man, 'Stand up!  Take your stretcher and go home!'  The man got up, and went home.

When the crowds saw this, they were filled with awe, and praised GOD for giving such power to human beings." - Matthew 9:1-8 

(They praised GOD for giving such power to human beings.  This formula is rather clumsy.  The crowd is astonished to see how GOD's saving power is manifest among people, and through a man, JESUS.  Matthew has no wish to separate the Church from CHRIST: every Christian community received the gifts of GOD for healing and reconciliation.  It is known that the ministers of the Church have special authority to pardon, but the grace of GOD also flows in many other very different channels [1 Corinthians 5:3-5; 2 Corinthians 2:5-11].  When we establish relations of mercy and trust, and accept fraternal correction humbly, when there is mutual forgiveness between spouses, CHRIST is the one who forgives and pardons, and what is forgiven among us on earth, is forgiven in heaven [Matthew 18:18].)


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Praise And Fear Of GOD

 "When the poor cry out, YAHWEH hears
and saves them from distress.

YAHWEH's angel encamps and patrols,
to keep safe those who fear HIM.

Revere YAHWEH, all you, HIS saints,
for those who fear HIM do not live in want.
The mighty may be hungry and in need;
but those who seek YAHWEH lack nothing.
Come, listen to me, my children;
I will show you how to fear YAHWEH.
If you desire long life;
if you want to enjoy prosperity,..."
- Psalm 34:7-8. 10-11. 12-13

(One may be discouraged by one's failure in past trials, weakness in those of the present, and uncertainty of one's resistance in the future.  Our own weapons are always rusting and loose in our hands.  The bright and effective sword is in the hand of GOD alone.  There will be no ultimate defeat, not a bone broken for those who are one with the Lamb of our Passover on the Cross.

Let our experience be that of the poor and the humble.  GOD is near to those who have no other support but HIM.  When there will be no assurance, GOD will be obliged, to take charge of those to whom HE owes fidelity.)

Preach The Word

 "In the presence of GOD and CHRIST JESUS, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by the hope I have of HIS coming, and HIS kingdom, I urge you to preach the word, in season and out of season, reproving, rebuking, or advising, always with patience, and providing instruction.  For the time is coming, when people will no longer endure sound doctrine, but, following their passions, they will surround themselves with teachers to please their itching ears.  And they will abandon the truth to  hear fables.  So be prudent, do not mind your labor, give yourself to your work as an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." - 2 Timothy 4:1-5 

(Preach the Word: this is Paul's last advice.  It must be the first concern of the Church and of any church leader.

Paul knows that he will not be freed and that he will be condemned to death.  He embraces his own sacrifice just as JESUS did.)


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Praise Of GOD's Love

 "Praise YAHWEH, my soul; all my being, praise HIS holy name!
Praise YAHWEH, my soul, and do not forget all HIS kindness; HE forgives all your sins and heals all your sickness; HE redeems your life from destruction and crowns you with love and compassion;...
YAHWEH is gracious and merciful, abounding in love and slow to anger; HE will not always scold nor will HE be angry forever.  HE does not treat us according to our sins, nor does HE punish us as we deserve.  
As the heavens are high above the earth, so great is HIS love for those fearing HIM;..."
- Psalm 103:1-2. 3-4. 8-9. 10-11

(The Christian lives joyfully in the paradox that our GOD is higher than the heavens, and yet, is close to us in love and mercy.  Our gratitude for HIS mercy merges naturally into a hymn of praise, for HIS greatness.  When we think how great HE is, it is not to think how far away HE is, but how much HE loves us to come down to us.

Let us praise the LORD, together with everything created: in moments of joy, as well as in hours of sadness, both when we have strength or when we live in fragility.)

GOD Did Not Make Death Nor Does HE Rejoice In The Destruction Of The Living

 "GOD did not make death, nor does HE rejoice in the destruction of the living.  Since HE has created everything, all creatures of the universe are for our good; there is no deadly poison in them and the netherworld has no dominion over the earth, because justice is immortal.

Indeed GOD created man to be immortal in the likeness of HIS own nature, but the envy of the devil brought death to the world, and those who take his side shall experience death." - Wisdom 1:13-15--2:23-24 

(GOD did not make death nor does HE rejoice in the destruction of the living.  HIS creation is good and at the service of humankind.  Death does not come from GOD as is explained in 2:23, but rather from the envy of the devil.  So, we are asked to look confidently to the LORD: to think well of HIM is to deny all these false questions: Why does GOD allow evil, death, earthquakes and tragedies?  GOD wants only life.

Those who take his side shall experience death.  Those who do evil begin to experience death.  There is a physical wearing down caused by vice [alcoholism, licentiousness], but there is an even greater deterioration of enthusiasm, generosity and trust.  "The person who sows for the benefit of his own flesh shall reap corruption and death from the flesh" [Galatians 6:8].  See also Romans 6:21.

The text considers what JESUS will do; that behind a mass of evil that tear humanity, and  behind our disbelief there is a presence of "the Enemy" [see Matthew 13:39; Hebrews 2:14-15].)


Saturday, June 26, 2021

Mary's Canticle

 "And Mary said,

'My soul proclaims the greatness of the LORD,
my spirit exults in GOD, my savior!
HE has looked upon HIS servant, in her lowliness,
and people, forever, will call me blessed.

The Mighty One has done great things for me,
Holy is HIS Name!
From age to age, HIS mercy extends
to those who live in HIS presence.

HE has filled the hungry with good things,
but has sent the rich away empty.

HE held out HIS hand to Israel, HIS servant,
for HE remembered HIS mercy,
even as HE promised to our fathers,
to Abraham and his descendants forever.'"
- Luke 1:46-47. 48-49. 50. 53. 54-55

(About Mary's canticle.  Mary, so unobtrusive in the Gospel, having no part in JESUS' ministry, is the one who proclaims the historical revolution begun with the coming of the Savior.

She proclaims:
- the mercy of GOD who always keeps HIS promises,
- the change that is to take place in the human condition.

This is what Martin Luther King, the emancipator of the Blacks, recalled: "Despite the fact that all too often people see in the church a power opposed to any change, in fact, the church preserves a powerful ideal which urges people toward the summits and opens their eyes as to their own destiny.  From the hot spots of Africa to the black areas of Alabama, I have seen men and women rising and shaking off their chains.  They had just discovered they were GOD's children, and that, as GOD's children, it was impossible to enslave them.

The song of Mary also expresses the deepest feeling of the Christian soul.  There is a time for us to seek truth, to discover what our major duties are and to become truly and essentially human.  There is a time for asking from and serving GOD.  In the long run, we come to understand that divine love seeks out what is poorer and weaker to fill it and make it great.  Then our only prayer becomes thanks giving to GOD for HIS understanding and merciful designs.)

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Cure Of A Leper

 "When JESUS came down from the mountain, large crowds followed HIM.

Then a leper came forward.  He knelt before HIM and said, 'Sir, if you want to, YOU can make me clean.'  JESUS stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, 'I want to, be clean again.'  At that very moment, the man was cleansed from his leprosy.  Then JESUS said to him, 'See that you do not tell anyone; but go to the priest, have yourself declared clean, and offer the gift that Moses commanded as evidence for them.'" - Matthew 8:1-4 

(In this new section of his Gospel [8:1-9:35] Matthew has placed a collection of miracles.  For him, these miracles are not only extraordinary events: they contain lessons on what a disciple of JESUS is.  To begin with: the cure of a leper; on the part of JESUS this is an act of courage, and an act that openly violates the law of purity [see Mark 1:40].)  


Birth Of John The Baptist

 "When the time came for Elizabeth, she gave birth to a son.  Her neighbors and relatives heard that the merciful LORD had done a wonderful thing for her, and they rejoiced with her.

When, on the eighth day, they came to attend the circumcision of the child, they wanted to name him Zechariah after his father.  But his mother said, 'Not so; he shall be called John.'  They said to her, 'But no one in your family has that name!' and they made signs to his father for the name he wanted to give him.  Zechariah asked for a writing tablet, and wrote on it, 'His name is John;' and they were very surprised.  Immediately, Zechariah could speak again, and his first words were in praise of GOD.

A holy fear came on all in the neighborhood, and throughout the hill country of Judea the people talked about these events.  All who heard of it, pondered in their minds, and wondered, 'What will this child be?'  For they understood that the hand of the LORD was with him.

As the child grew up, he was seen to be strong in the Spirit; and he lived in the desert, until the day when he appeared openly in Israel." - Luke 1:57-66. 80 

(What was circumcision.  [See Genesis 17].

The child lived in the desert, that is, the desert of Judea by the Dead Sea, where some large communities of which the well-known Qumran community had settled.  These communities, called the Essenes, devoted themselves to prayer and meditation on Scripture.  And took part in the education of the children.)


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Tree Is Known By Its Fruits

 "Beware of false prophets: they come to you in sheep's clothing; but inside, they are voracious wolves.  You will recognize them by their fruits.  Do you ever pick grapes from thorn bushes; or figs, from thistles?

A good tree always produces good fruit.  A rotten tree produces bad fruit.  A good tree cannot produce bad fruit; and a rotten tree cannot bear good fruit.  Any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  So then, you will know them by their fruit." - Matthew 7:15-20 

(Most probably Matthew gives us these words of JESUS for the benefit of certain believers in the early Church who considered themselves as charismatic prophets.  They may well have received gifts of the Spirit but have degenerated since then.  In a wider sense JESUS' words address all who encourage division, untruth and violence, even when they pretend to serve a just cause.

Prophets wore a sheepskin by way of a cloak:  a wolf could hide in one.  The world has always had a number of "false prophets," usually prophets of easy life, and if the word of GOD condemns them, many would say that their words have been misinterpreted.  It would be well however to ask ourselves why our holy and sacred liberalism tends to sow death in all domains and smothers in so many the ability to believe and hope.

Do you ever pick grapes from thorn bushes?  JESUS invites us to look at the facts before coming to conclusions.  We find it hard to carefully observe the reality in which we live.  We prefer to discuss and debate about ideas rather than to analyze particular situations.  JESUS, accustomed to manual labor, distrusts ideas and theories.)


Monday, June 21, 2021

Enter Through The Narrow Gate

 "Do not give what is holy to the dogs, or throw your pearls before pigs.  They might trample on them, and then turn on you and tear you to pieces.

So, do to others whatever you would that others do to you: there, you have the law and the prophets.

Enter through the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the road, that leads to destruction, and many go that way.  How narrow is the gate that leads to life; and how rough, the road; few there are, who find it." - Matthew 7:6. 12-14 

(Do not give what is holy to the dogs, or throw your pearls before pigs.  JESUS addressed this warning to HIS followers living in a hostile world.  They should not tell everything to everyone.  GOD has given each of us wonderful gifts: we must not share them with everyone at once, believing that it will bring them to faith.

Enter through the narrow gate.  Maybe someone was asking JESUS: "Who, then, can be saved?" [Matthew 19:25].  In no instance did JESUS say whether those who would share in eternal life would be many or few.  HE did not say many times that very few would be chosen from among the many called.  That means that among the many people privileged to meet HIM, very few would experience the Gospel's riches and bring forth fruit in themselves and for others.  The chosen or approved are those who persevere and strive for perfect freedom.

For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many go that way.  They stray from leading a life in which JESUS is everything for them.  They waste the gifts of GOD entrusted to them and apparently become useless for the kingdom.  Yet, even so, they are not deprived of GOD's mercy.)


Don't Be A Judge

 "Do not judge; and you will not be judged.  In the same way you judge others, you will be judged; and the measure you use for others will be used for you.  Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, and not see the plank in your own eye?  How can you say to your brother, 'Come, let me take the speck from your eye,' as long as that plank is in your own?  Hypocrite, remove the plank out of your own eye; then, you will see clearly, to remove the speck out of your brother's eye." - Matthew 7:1-5 

(No doubt when JESUS spoke these words it was with the same meaning as in 5:43.  Usually those who consider themselves as good, or belonging to the group of the converted, judge and criticize those of a different standing.  It is a form of pride that spiritual authors call the "fault of beginners."  So strongly inscribed is it in human nature that many among the "just" of the Scriptures have expressed their disapproval of the "sinner" who did not observe the Law of GOD.  Contrariwise the new law tells us not to consider ourselves superior or be judges of those who take a different road, or who are led by GOD to do so.  Do not judge.  We must exercise good judgment in order to distinguish between the good and evil around us.  Though it is a factor of success never to displease anyone, we must have the courage to tell others the wrong that they do.  Here "to judge" means to condemn.

When we look at our own lives, we realize that those who helped us grow were those who supported and understood us, not those who judged and condemned us.

Do not judge.  See Romans 2:1; 14:4; 1 Corinthians 5:12; James 4:11)


Sunday, June 20, 2021

YAHWEH Answers Job

 "Then YAHWEH answered Job out of the storm:

Who shut the sea behind closed doors
when it burst forth from the womb,
when I made the clouds its garment
and thick darkness its swaddling clothes;
when I set its limits
with doors and bars in place,
when I said, 'You will not go beyond these bounds;
here is where your proud waves must halt?'"
- Job 38:1. 8-11

(YAHWEH answers Job from within the storm clouds, as on Mount Sinai.  HE does not explain or justify; rather HE does the questioning.  HE does not show off HIS own wisdom, but forces humans to admit that they do not know anything.

Here the author seems to be digressing somewhat from his theme.  Carried away by his admiration, he forgets that, first of all he intended to show us GOD exceeds our ability to understand and to judge.  What do our protests and scandals mean: "if GOD existed..."  They are mere childishness, idle words of those who have no idea of what the word "GOD" encompasses.  If the entire universe is just the expression or the irradiation of divine Wisdom, who will dare tell GOD that HIS way is not reasonable?)

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Set Your Heart First On The Kingdom

 "Do not worry, and say: What are we going to eat?  What are we going to drink?  or: What shall we wear?  The pagans busy themselves with such things; but your heavenly FATHER knows that you need them all.  Set your heart, first, on the kingdom and righteousness of GOD; and all these things will also be given to you.  Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:31-34 

(Set your heart first on the kingdom.  It is a matter of concrete realities: the kingdom means the transparency of GOD in our life; HIS justice is a "putting in order" under HIS attention of all that we are and all that we do.  A risk to run for a young person, or a couple: to  begin to think of the future, family and apostolic activity according to the criteria of the Gospel, no longer under pressure of Malthusian fear or the race to maintain their life-style.)


Friday, June 18, 2021

The Lamp Of The Body Is The Eye

 "The lamp of the body is the eye; if your eyes are sound, your whole body will be full of light.  If your eyes are diseased, your whole  body will be full of darkness.  If, then, the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"- Matthew 6:22-23 

(Here eye is the conscience.  To be bright-eyed signifies generosity, to be dark-eyed signifies meanness.  JESUS emphasizes what HE has just said: a misinformed conscience leads us astray and turns us in on ourselves.)


The Great Works Of GOD

I thank YAHWEH with all my heart
in the council of the just, in the assembly.

The works of YAHWEH are great
and pondered by all who delight in them.

Glorious and majestic are HIS deeds,
HIS righteousness endures forever.
HE lets us remember HIS wondrous deeds;
YAHWEH is merciful and kind.

The works of HIS hands are faithful and just,
trustworthy are all HIS precepts,
ordained to last forever,
bearers of truth and uprightness."
- Psalm 111:1-2. 3-4. 7-8

(This is an alphabetical acrostic--each successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  It is only to be expected that there is not much logical development of thought.  It is more a series of separate reflections on the idea of reverence, 'awe' and 'fear' for GOD: but reverence for GOD who has saved us, bound HIMSELF to us in a covenant, and gives us food for soul and body.  The great works and wonders that HE performed revealed GOD's very SELF.

Praising GOD for everything is the ultimate word of creation, the final 'alleluia' to which we unite our voices, when we pray with this psalm: 'To HIM belongs everlasting praise.')

Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Generous And Upright Man

Blessed is the one who fears YAHWEH,
who greatly delights in HIS commands.
His children will be powerful on earth;
the upright's offspring will be blessed.

Wealth and riches are for his family;
there, his integrity will remain.
He is for the righteous a light in darkness;
He is kind, merciful and upright.

He gives generously to the poor;
His merits will last forever;
and his head will be raised in honor.
- Psalm 112:1-2. 3-4. 9

(Another alphabetical psalm, developing the thought of the blessings received by those faithful to GOD: descendants, prosperity, virtue and salvation.  It also deals with our reverence for GOD shown in practice--mainly, charity to our neighbor.

Indeed as the psalmist says in verse 4, 'He is for the righteous, a light in darkness....'  For, in John 9:5 JESUS says, 'I AM the light of the world.'  We should therefore, never be in darkness.  HIS guiding light will always be there for us whenever we need it, especially in our desperate days and when we are groping in the darkness of the night.

Our present society also needs witnesses, who fear GOD and are passionate lovers of HIS commandments.  It needs men and women to reflect the rays of the Light because they are generous, compassionate, and attentive.  Those who want to be witnesses of GOD in our time, can pray with this psalm.)

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Blessed Work Of Grace

 "Now, I want you to know about a gift of divine grace among the Churches of Macedonia.  While they were so afflicted and persecuted, their joy overflowed, and their extreme poverty turned into a wealth of generosity.  According to their means--even beyond their means--they wanted to share, in helping the saints.

They asked us for their favor, spontaneously, and with much insistence, and, far beyond anything we we expected, they put themselves at the disposal of the LORD, and of us by the will of GOD.  Accordingly, I urged Titus to complete, among you, this work of grace, since he began it with you.  You excel in everything: in the gifts of faith, speech and knowledge; you feel concern for every cause and, besides, you are first in my heart.  Excel, also, in this generous service.

This is not a command; I make known to you the determination of others, to check the sincerity of your fraternal concern.  You know well, the generosity of CHRIST JESUS, our LORD.  Although HE was rich, HE made HIMSELF poor, to make you rich, through HIS poverty." - 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 

(The saints are the Christians of Jerusalem.  In the year 48 there was a famine in Judea and in Jerusalem [Acts 11:28] due to the poor harvest of the previous year, a sabbatical year [during which the Jews did not sow so that the earth could rest].  To remedy this situation of shortage, economic aid for the Christians of Jerusalem was organized.  Later, Paul promised to keep the Jerusalem community in mind during his missions among the pagans [Galatians 2:10].  Here, Paul exhorts the Churches in Corinth and in the province to take up this collection that they had agreed upon.

Paul does not use the word collection in these chapters.  Instead he speaks of the liberality and the greatness of generous giving; of the blessed work of grace.  It is more a gift for the one who gives than for the one who receives.

Paul takes great care that the collection, involving large amounts, should be duly taken up.  It must be collected and held by people who enjoy the confidence of the community.)


Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Trials Of An Apostle

 "We are concerned, not to give anyone an occasion to stumble or criticize our mission.  Instead, we prove, we are true ministers of GOD, in every way, by our endurance in so many trials, in hardships, afflictions, floggings, imprisonment, riots, fatigue, sleepless nights and days of hunger.

People can notice, in our upright life, knowledge, patience and kindness, action of the Holy Spirit, sincere love, words of truth, and power of GOD.  So we fight with the weapons of justice, to attack, as well as to defend.

Sometimes, we are honored, at other times, insulted; we receive criticism as well as praise.  We are regarded as liars, although we speak the truth; as unknown, though we are well known; as dead, and yet we live.  Punishments come upon us, but we have not, as yet, been put to death.  We appear to be afflicted, yet always joyful; we seem to be poor, but we enrich many; we have nothing, but we possess everything!" - 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 

(A distinctive sign of the apostle of CHRIST: the contrast between the treasure entrusted to him for others, and his own existence hardly enviable and truly unenvied.  Like JESUS, he is a sign of contradiction.  Paul recalls what he must endure, but does not hide his pride and his conviction: we enrich many, and we possess everything.)


Song Of A Happy Person

 "It is good to give thanks to YAHWEH,
to sing praise to YOUR name, O Most High,
to proclaim YOUR grace in the morning,
to declare YOUR faithfulness at night,...

The virtuous will flourish, like palm trees,
they will thrive, like the cedars of Lebanon.
Planted in the house of YAHWEH,
they will prosper, in the courts of our GOD.

In old age, they will still bear fruit;
they will stay fresh and green,
to proclaim that YAHWEH is upright,
'HE is my Rock,' they say, 'HE never fails.'"
- Psalm 92:2-3. 13-14. 15-16

(We are not animals, not simply rational animals: we are sons and daughters of GOD.  We learn in prayer, to look at the world as GOD sees it.  We are joined to CHRIST as the branch to the vine, and we try to make our minds, and our lives, grow more like HIS.

The virtuous will flourish like palm trees: enthusiasm of the one whose life is built on faithfulness.  He has seen the fall of many fortunes and much glory.  The martyr St. Polycarp said to his judges: 'How could I curse CHRIST?  For eighty years HE has always been good to me.'  The saints are those who leave the most lasting impact on human history.  'Give thanks to the LORD'.  If we reflect on our lives, we will find many reasons to give thanks to GOD.  The gift of our very life and existence is a good starting point.  St. Paul tells us to 'give thanks to GOD at every moment' [1 Thessalonians 5:18] in the name of CHRIST JESUS, our LORD [Ephesians 5:20].)

I Must Be In MY FATHER's House

 "Every year, the parents of JESUS went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover, as was customary.  And when JESUS was twelve years old, HE went up with them, according to the custom of this feast.  After the festival was over, they returned, but the boy JESUS remained in Jerusalem; and HIS parents did not know it.

They assumed that HE was in their group of travelers, and, after walking the whole day, they looked for HIM among their relatives and friends.  As they did not find HIM, they went back to Jerusalem, searching for HIM; and, on the third day, they found HIM in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions.  And all the people were amazed at HIS understanding and HIS answers.

HIS parents were very surprised when they saw HIM; and HIS mother said to HIM, 'Son, why have YOU done this to us?  YOUR father and I were very worried while searching for YOU.'  Then HE said to them, 'Why were you looking for ME?  Did you not know that I must be in MY FATHER'S house?'  But they did not understand this answer.

JESUS went down with them, returning to Nazareth, and HE continued to be obedient to them.  As for HIS mother, she kept all these things in her heart." - Luke 2:41-51 

(During HIS Nazareth years JESUS discovers life as any child or youth of HIS age.  HE does not receive special education.  Nor does HE manifest extraordinary talents, other than perfect judgment to assess and evaluate everything according to GOD's criteria.

What was the deep experience of JESUS, how did the Son of GOD place HIMSELF in this world of humans, step by step, as HE discovered it?  Luke has given us but one instance that to him was significant as it had been for Mary herself.

At twelve an adolescent was to observe religious prescriptions, among them the pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the feasts.  Seated in the shade of the temple galleries, the teachers of the law used to teach groups of pilgrims and to dialogue with them.

It is on this occasion for the first time that JESUS disconcerts HIS entourage.  Why have YOU done this?  The Gospel highlights this misunderstanding: Mary reproaches JESUS and JESUS reproaches HIS parents.  It then emphasizes the awareness JESUS has of HIS privileged relationship with the FATHER and HIS total availability for HIS mission.  If, the discovery of the temple, heart of the nation, center of Israel's religion, stirred new feelings in HIM, HE could have asked permission or forewarned HIS parents.  How could HE remain two days without thinking HIS parents would be anxiously searching for HIM?  HE must have thought this suffering was necessary and conquered HIS liberty in a radical way before returning home with them.  JESUS had to experience all of human life, sin excepted; in HIS own way HE passed through the stages of psychological development.  Instead of speaking of the lost child it would be more exact to say that the youthful JESUS found HIMSELF.

It might seem strange that Mary did not think to tell JESUS one day of HIS origin and who Joseph was for HIM.  If we hold to this account, it is JESUS who takes the lead over Mary and Joseph and tells them HIMSELF whose Son HE is: I must be in MY FATHER's house.

They did not understand this answer.  Mary had heard the message of the annunciation and knew that JESUS was the Son of GOD.  She undoubtedly never thought that being the Son of GOD would be what JESUS had just done.  In the same way GOD oftentimes disconcerts us even if we know very well what HE wants.)


Friday, June 11, 2021

Israel Is GOD's Spoiled Child

 "I loved Israel when he was a child; out of Egypt I called MY son.

Yet, it was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; yet, little did they realize that it was I who cared for them.  I led them with cords of human kindness, with leading strings of love, and I became for them as one who eases the yoke upon their neck and stoops down to feed them.

How can I give up, Ephraim?  Can I abandon you like Admah or make you like Zeboiim?  MY heart is troubled within ME and I AM moved with compassion.  I will not give vent to MY great anger; I will not return to destroy Ephraim, for I AM GOD and not human.  I AM the Holy One in your midst; and I do not want to come to you in anger." - Hosea 11:1. 3-4. 8-9 

(Israel is GOD's spoiled child.  In former days GOD brought them out of Egypt, and ever since then, has been calling them and trying to draw them to HIMSELF, but they continue their depraved ways which bring punishment upon them.

I AM GOD and not human.  Our setbacks which seem to be GOD's punishment are, in fact, what GOD considers the most suitable ways to teach us [see Hebrews 12:7; 2 Maccabees 6:16; Wisdom 11:23].)


Thursday, June 10, 2021

The LORD Is Spirit, And Where The Spirit Of The LORD Is, There Is Freedom

 "Up to this very day, whenever they read Moses, the veil remains over their understanding but, for whoever turns to the LORD, the veil shall be removed.  The LORD is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom.

So, with unveiled faces, we all reflect the glory of the LORD, while we are transformed into HIS likeness, and experience HIS glory, more and more by the action of the LORD, who is Spirit.

Since this is our ministry, mercifully given to us, we do not weaken.

In fact, if the gospel we proclaim remains obscure, it is obscure only for those who go to their own destruction.  The god of this world has blinded the minds of these unbelievers, lest they see the radiance of the glorious gospel of CHRIST, who is GOD's image.  It is not ourselves we preach, but CHRIST JESUS, as LORD; and, for JESUS' sake, we are your servants.  GOD, who said, Let the light shine out of darkness, has also made the light shine in our hearts, to radiate, and to make known the glory of GOD, as it shines in the face of CHRIST." - 2 Corinthians 3:15-4:1. 3-6 

(The LORD is Spirit.  Paul says this twice in verses 17 and 18.  He does not confuse LORD, CHRIST, with Holy Spirit but plays with the words spirit and Spirit.  He recalls that the person who turns to the LORD goes beyond a first stage of faith [that Paul calls the letter] where he found GOD through laws and practices.  He enters the adult age of spiritual life where, through GOD's Spirit, we know ourselves and act towards GOD like sons and daughters and free persons.  So Paul means: To find the LORD is to receive the Spirit and accede to the "spirit" [see Romans 2.29].

It is worthwhile underlining some features of the portrait of an apostle as Paul sketches it:
- We do not lose heart.
- We do not proceed with trickery nor do we falsify GOD's message.
- We are more than your servants.
- We display for everyone to discover in us the glory of GOD that shines in CHRIST's face.
- We carry the death of JESUS so that HIS life may be revealed in us.
- We  believe and that is why we speak.)

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

The Power And Holiness Of GOD

 "Extol YAHWEH, our GOD; worship at HIS footstool.  Holy is HE!  And mighty!
Among HIS priests were Moses and Aaron; and Samuel, among those who called on HIS name.  They called to YAHWEH, and HE answered them.
In the pillar of cloud HE spoke to them; and they kept HIS statutes and the decrees HE gave them.
O YAHWEH our GOD, YOU responded to them; YOU were a patient GOD for them; but YOU punished their wrongs.
Extol YAHWEH our GOD; worship at HIS holy mountain.  Holy is YAHWEH our GOD!"
- Psalm 99:5-9

(Our GOD is Almighty, infinitely above our world--but not remote from it.  On HIS word, the world depends.  HIS law is the rule of life.  And the Church is the place of contact between the Holy GOD and people called to be holy.

Holiness does not mean evasion from the world, but commitment to it.  Those who pray this psalm, desire the Name of GOD to be sanctified and the world to be transformed by divine holiness.)

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

In HIM All The Promises Of GOD Have Come To Be A Yes

 "GOD knows that our dealing with you is not Yes or No, just as the Son of GOD, CHRIST JESUS, whom we--Silvanus, Timothy and I--preach to you, was not Yes and No; with HIM it was simply Yes.  In HIM all the promises of GOD have come to be a Yes, and we also say in HIS name: Amen! giving thanks to GOD.  GOD, HIMSELF, has anointed us and strengthens us, with you, to serve CHRIST; HE has marked us with HIS own seal, in a first outpouring of the Spirit, in our hearts." - 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 

(In HIM all the promises of GOD have come to be a Yes.  GOD fulfilled HIS promises when HE sent HIS Son among us.  CHRIST also did only what HIS FATHER wanted.  Thus, CHRIST is a 'Yes' consenting to the FATHER's plan.  From there, Paul draws the consequences for Christians.  In baptism we say the first Yes to CHRIST.  At every Eucharist we repeat the same Yes.  The "Amen" that we say in prayers means Yes, it is true.  The opposite of all this is sin which is the same as saying 'No' to CHRIST.

In a first outpouring.  Paul actually says: HE gave us the first payment of the Spirit.)


Monday, June 07, 2021

Blessed Be GOD, The Source Of All Comfort

 "Blessed be GOD, the FATHER of CHRIST JESUS, our LORD, the all-merciful FATHER, and the GOD of all comfort!  HE encourages us in all our trials, so that we may also encourage those in any trial, with the same comfort that we receive from GOD.

For whenever the sufferings of CHRIST overflow to us, so, through CHRIST, a great comfort also overflows.  So, if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we receive comfort it is also for you.  You may experience the same comfort when you come to endure the same sufferings we endure.  Our hope for you is most firm; just as you share in our sufferings, so shall you also share in our consolation." - 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 

(From the very beginning, Paul describes his own situation as an apostle of CHRIST--wandering, persecuted, ill--to the Corinthians who know how to take it easy.  While they feel proud of their large community and look for brilliant preachers [as will be seen below], Paul shares in the passion of CHRIST.  Paul suggests that they too will know the true consolation of  GOD when it is their turn to suffer for HIM.

The word comfort will often occur in this letter.  GOD would not be satisfied by just teaching us resignation: comfort is the experience of the presence of GOD, but relies in part on the signs that show HIM acting among us.  The two go together.  JESUS told us to ask so that GOD would answer and HIS responses would be a source of joy [John 15:24].  In any case, GOD does not free us of trials but gives strength and perseverance to overcome them.)


Sunday, June 06, 2021

"This Is The Blood Of The Covenant Which Will BE Shed For The Multitude."

 "Moses came and told the people all the words of YAHWEH and all HIS laws.  The people replied with one voice: 'Everything that YAHWEH has said, we shall do.'

Moses wrote down all the words of YAHWEH, then rose early in the morning and built an altar at the foot of the mountain with twelve raised stones for the twelve tribes of Israel.

He then sent young men from among the sons of Israel to offer burnt offerings and sacrifice bullocks as peace offerings to YAHWEH.

And Moses took half the blood and put it in basins; and with the other half of the blood he sprinkled the altar.

He then took the Book of the Covenant and read it in the hearing of the people.  They said, 'All that YAHWEH said we shall do and obey.'

Moses then took the blood and sprinkled it on the people saying, 'Here is the blood of the Covenant that YAHWEH has made with you in accordance with all these words.'" - Exodus 24:3-8 

(The most important events of the Scriptures are at times the most briefly related.  At the foot of Mount Sinai the Covenant which would govern the life of Israel was signed.

Two scenes depict the celebration of the Covenant.  First, Moses and the elders of Israel witness the Glory of YAHWEH over Mount Sinai.  Later, upon Moses' return, the people seal the Covenant by means of a solemn sacrifice.

Here is the blood of the Covenant...  According to the custom of the time, both parties to the contract were sprinkled with the blood of the victims.  Since the altar represented YAHWEH, it received this sprinkled blood on HIS behalf.  These details should be remembered when we read what JESUS declares at the Last Supper, "This is the blood of the Covenant which will be shed for the multitude" [Mark 14:24].)


Saturday, June 05, 2021

The Widow's Offering

 "JESUS sat down opposite the temple treasury and watched the people dropping money into the treasury box; and many rich people put in large offerings.  But a poor widow also came and dropped in two small coins.

Then JESUS called HIS disciples and said to them, 'Truly, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all those who gave offerings.  For all of them gave from their plenty; but she gave from her poverty and put in everything she had, her very living.'" - Mark 12:41-44 

(The poor widow was the only one from among so many worshipers who make retribution to GOD as HE deserves.  She was the personification of those uncountable poor, who have practically nothing but somehow find a way to give part of the little they have.  The humble person is capable of sacrificing part of his paid time to study or participate in common activities in order to help his companions.  The small salary he loses is worth much more than the big salary that wealthy people are not willing to lose.  GOD calls on the poor before anybody else, because only the poor give all that they have to live on.)


Friday, June 04, 2021

The Teachers Of The Law

 "As HE was teaching, HE also said to them, 'Beware of those teachers of the law, who enjoy walking around in long robes and being greeted in the marketplace; and who like to occupy reserved seats in the synagogues; and the first places at feasts.  They even devour the widow's and the orphan's goods, while making a show of long prayers.  How severe a sentence they will receive!'" - Mark 12:38-40 

(The teachers of the law were not bad persons.  They became teachers of religion because they were interested in religion, but as soon as the teacher stops trying to be a saint, he is only a weak person.  The very respect that people show teachers leads them to overlook in themselves many wrongs that in anybody else would be severely censured.)


Thursday, June 03, 2021

A Pilgrimage Song

 "Blessed are you who fear YAHWEH
and walk in HIS ways.
You will eat the fruit of your toil;
you will be blessed and favored.

Your wife, like a vine,
will bear fruits in your home;
your children, like olive shoots,
will stand around your table.

Such are the blessings bestowed 
upon the man who fears YAHWEH.
May YAHWEH praise you from Zion.
May you see Jerusalem prosperous
all the days of your life."
- Psalm 128:1-2. 3. 4-5

(With sound instinct, it asks GOD, for a Jerusalem of GOD-fearing, happy homes.  Men and women have their own part in building it--our psalm complements its predecessor's emphasis upon GOD's prevailing work.  But what is Jerusalem to us?  The new Jerusalem for which we pray is 'the Church of the firstborn' [Hebrews 12:23].  In her, the promises of the Old Testament are fulfilled and its prayers made sublime: it is around 'the table of the LORD' that the Spouse of CHRIST seats her ever-growing family [1 Corinthians 10:21; Ephesians 5:32].  Pray GOD for the happiness and peace of his family.)


Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Prayer Of Tobit

 "Distressed, I wept and prayed; and expressing my sorrow, I said, 'YOU are just, O LORD; all YOUR actions and all YOUR ways are merciful and just; YOUR judgments are always true and just.  Remember me, LORD, and look on me.  Do not punish me for my sins nor for the wrongs I have committed through ignorance.  Pardon the sins which my fathers have committed in YOUR sight, for they disobeyed YOUR commandments.  YOU have allowed us to suffer pillage, captivity and death.  YOU have allowed us to be mocked by all the pagan nations among whom we have been dispersed.  Ah well!  All YOUR judgments are just when YOU choose to punish me for my sins and those of my fathers, because we have not accomplished YOUR will, nor have we sincerely obeyed YOUR commands.  We have not walked before YOU in truth.

Do with me as YOU will.  Order my life taken from me, and turn me into dust, because I prefer death to life.  In this way free me and let me return to dust.  It is better for me to die than to live, because these unjust reproaches have caused me great distress.  Command that I be now released from trials, and let me enter my eternal dwelling place.  Do not turn YOUR face away from  me.'" - Tobit 3:1-6 

(In the Scriptures we repeatedly see that GOD tests us before granting us a special favor.  We will really understand when we hear what CHRIST says to the disciples of Emmaus: "Did not the Messiah have to suffer all this to enter into HIS glory?" [Luke 24:26].

He is in solidarity with his sinning people and finds it just to be punished, even though he asks to be freed from this punishment.

He feels incapable of fighting alone in life, and asks for death, but leaves everything in GOD's hands.

His prayer is to ask for strength and the ability to fulfill what GOD says and demands and not to present to GOD his own plan and ask HIM to realize it, as we often do when we pray.)


Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Paying Taxes To Caesar

 "They sent to JESUS some Pharisees with members of Herod's party, with the purpose of trapping HIM by HIS own words.  They came and said to JESUS, 'Master, we know that YOU are truthful; YOU are not influenced by anyone, and YOUR answers do not vary according to who is listening to YOU, but YOU truly teach GOD's way.  Tell us, is it against the law to pay taxes to Caesar?  Should we pay them or not?'

But JESUS saw through their trick and answered, 'Why are you testing ME?  Bring ME a silver coin and let ME see it.'  They brought HIM one and JESUS asked, 'Whose image is this, and whose name?'  They answered, 'Caesar's.'  Then JESUS said, 'Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to GOD, what is GOD's.'

And they were greatly astonished." - Mark 12:13-17 

(What is Caesar's can be understood: "what belongs to Caesar."  Rather it means: "the kind of things which fall under his rule."  With HIS answer "to Caesar what belongs to him, to GOD..."  JESUS separates religion and politics in cultures--Jewish and Roman alike--where politics always looked for religious justification.  From now on, religion should not be manipulated for political purposes, nor should religion confuse its political opponents with the enemies of the kingdom.)
