Tuesday, March 12, 2024

"Though Your Mother Forgets You, I Will Never Forget You!"

"This is what YAHWEH says:'

At a favorable time, I have answered you, on the day of salvation I have been your help; I have formed you and made to be MY Covenant with the people.

You will restore the land and allot its abandoned farms.  You will say to the captives: Come out; and to those in darkness: Show yourselves.
They will feed along the road; they will find pasture on barren hills.  They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the scorching wind or the sun beat upon them; for HE who has mercy on them will guide them and lead them to springs of water.
I will turn all MY mountains into roads and raise up MY highways.
See, they come from afar, some from the north and west, others from the land of Sinim.'
Sing, O heavens, and rejoice, O earth;
break forth into song, O mountains:
for YAHWEH has comforted HIS people
and taken pity on those who are afflicted.
But Zion said: 'YAHWEH has forsaken me,
my LORD has forgotten me.'
Can a woman forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child of her womb?
Yet though she forgets, I will never forget you."
Isaiah 49:8-15

(YAHWEH's maternal love for HIS people.

HE saves them from despair and from being despised, rebuilding Jerusalem and gathering those who were dispersed.  HE invites all the nations to come and recognize the true city.

Here GOD again addresses the more conscious minorities of Israel, those who held onto their hope at a time they seemed to be lost amidst the pagan inhabitants of the materialistic Babylon.  They would lift up their nation and become the light of the world.

These promises started to be fulfilled when, having returned to their land, the Jews became missionaries of the One GOD to all the countries of the Greek and Syrian world.  Later, these promises would take on a new meaning for the Church which CHRIST established as the New Jerusalem.  At times, this new Jerusalem seems downhearted and lifeless, and even disappears in some parts of the world.  Yet, GOD brings it new children from other continents.  HE invites us to look beyond our communities to those who have not yet received the Kingdom.)


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