Saturday, January 07, 2023

Three Complementary Aspects Of The Christian Experience, Which Are First Seen In JESUS HIMSELF

 "Who has overcome the world?  The one who believes that JESUS is the Son of GOD.

JESUS CHRIST was acknowledged through water, but also through blood.

Not only water, but water and blood.

And the Spirit, too, witnesses to HIM, for the Spirit is truth.

There are, then, three testimonies:

the Spirit, the water and the blood, and these three witnesses agree.

If we accept human testimony, with greater reason must we accept that of GOD, given in favor of HIS Son.  If you believe in the Son of GOD, you have GOD's testimony in you.

But those who do not believe, make GOD a liar, since they do not believe HIS words when HE witnesses to HIS Son.

What has GOD said?  That HE has granted us eternal life, and this life is in HIS Son.  The one who has the Son has life, those who do not have the Son of GOD do not have life.

I write you, then, all these things, that you may know, that you have eternal life, all you, who believe in the name of the Son of GOD." - 1 John 5:5-13 

(Verses 6-9 point out three complementary aspects of the Christian experience, which are first seen in JESUS HIMSELF.  John characterizes them with three words:
- water: water is the symbol of cleanliness and of new life.
- blood: the blood of the sacrifice, the painful atonement for sin, the blood of martyrs.
- Spirit: the uncontainable power that animates CHRIST's witnesses; the amazing creativity of the people and institutions that are rooted in faith.

These three witness to JESUS CHRIST and they also characterize Christian salvation.  We can easily see that they correspond to the three sacraments of baptism, eucharist and confirmation.

In this conclusion, John repeats what he said throughout the letter: you who believe, appreciate what you have.  Do not underestimate the step you took in accepting CHRIST.  Explore and look for the riches which are meant for you, and which are found in "HIM who loves us" [Revelation 1:5].) 


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