Sunday, January 08, 2023

Keep Yourselves From Idols

 "Through HIM we are fully confident that whatever we ask, according to HIS will, HE will grant us.  If we know that HE hears us whenever we ask, we know that we already have what we asked of HIM.

If you see your brother committing sin, a sin which does not lead to death, pray for him, and GOD will give life to your brother.  I speak, of course, of the sin which does not lead to death.  There is also a sin that leads to death; I do not speak of praying about this.  Every kind of wrongdoing is sin, but not all sin leads to death.

We know that those born of GOD do not sin, but the one who was born of GOD, protects them, and the evil one does not touch them.

We know that we belong to GOD, while the whole world lies in evil.

We know that the Son of GOD has come and has given us power to know the truth.  We are in HIM who is true, HIS Son JESUS CHRIST.  HE is the true GOD, and eternal life.

My dear children, keep yourselves from idols." - 1 John 5:14-21 

(I do not speak of praying about this.  This sentence is somehow short, John implies: "with the certainty that GOD will give life to the sinner."  The will of GOD remains a mystery, whatever be the confidence we have in HIM.

The whole world lies in evil.  As has already been mentioned, this world belongs to GOD who made it good.  Nevertheless, this world is not simply a building site wherein we work.  It is first the place where the evil one competes with GOD.  The evil one does not side with any group, atheist or materialist or whatever else, but everywhere transforms the best things into destroying idols--even among those looking for a more perfect life: keep yourselves from idols.  This warning of John at the end of this letter has special importance; it invites us to remain in the truth of the Word-of-GOD-made-man without allowing anything contrary to it, to enter.  For the Church this is a permanent temptation--as well as for every Christian community--to make itself the center of everything, so that what matters is to recruit and to last.  Then when institutions believe that unity is assured by increasing authority, political and financial support are sought, and mission is replaced with buildings.  There are a thousand ways of eluding what is provisional while the Spirit always feels more at ease with what is provisional.  In so doing the Christian community, the whole Church becomes a thick wall between GOD and humans, all the more becoming an "idol" in wishing to be holy, obeyed and infallible in all its decision.  The Word became flesh, and the Church can only be the sacrament of GOD if she remains weak and vulnerable.) 


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