Saturday, October 15, 2022

There Will Be Pardon For The One Who Criticizes The SON OF MAN, But There Will No Pardon For The One Who Slanders The HOLY SPIRIT.

 "'I tell you, whoever acknowledges ME before people, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of GOD.  But the one who denies ME before others will be denied before the angels of GOD.

There will be pardon for the one who criticizes the Son of Man, but there will be no pardon for the one who slanders the Holy Spirit.

When you are brought before the synagogues, and before governors and rulers, don't worry about how you will defend yourself, or what to say; for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you have to say.'" - Luke 12:8-12 

(JESUS allows HIMSELF to be criticized by those who do not understand HIM.  Many Pharisees of good faith did not understand JESUS and were scandalized by HIM.  This was excusable, but it is a different thing to call evil that which is clearly good.

To slander [or: to blaspheme] the Holy Spirit is to attribute to a bad spirit a work that is manifestly good.  Those who systematically attribute bad intentions to good work done by others, by the Church, by other parties, sin against the Holy Spirit.  The one who recognizes the truth but not GOD is better off than the one who says he believes in GOD but does not recognize the truth.) 


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