Saturday, October 22, 2022

Then No Longer Shall We Be Like Children

 "Then, no longer shall we be like children, tossed about by any wave, or wind of doctrine; and deceived by the cunning of people, who drag them along into error.  Rather, speaking the truth, in love, we shall grow in every way, toward HIM, who is the head, CHRIST.  From HIM, comes the growth of the whole body, to which a network of joints gives order and cohesion, taking into account, and making use of, the function of each one.  So, the body builds itself, in love." - Ephesians 4:14-16 

(Paul suggests that the Ephesians are still children, at least from time to time, when they allow themselves to be influenced by some trend of opinion.  He invites them to become a mature community, capable of being led by the truth, and of building itself up through love.  We too should ask ourselves if we have really gone beyond the time when the "faithful" constantly waited for others to think for them, guide them and push them.)


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