Sunday, September 04, 2022

Give Me YOUR Wisdom

 "Indeed, who can know the intentions of GOD?  Who can discern the plan of the LORD?

For human reasoning is timid, our notions misleading; a perishable body is a burden for the soul and our tent of clay weighs down the active mind.

We are barely able to know about the things of earth and it is a struggle to understand what is close to us; who then may hope to understand heavenly things?

Who has ever known YOUR will unless YOU first gave him Wisdom and sent down YOUR holy spirit to him?  In this way you directed the human race on the right path; they learned what pleases YOU and were saved by Wisdom." - Wisdom 9:13-18 

(The necessary condition for acquiring wisdom consists in having a humble and simple heart.  To those who cooperate with HIM, GOD grants uprightness, prudence and even the authority to lead GOD's people.  Abraham and Moses were called to do great things.

This prayer refers to the event related in 1 Kings 3:6: the dream in which Solomon asked GOD for wisdom.


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