Sunday, September 18, 2022

Attitudes Leading To Wisdom

 "Trust in YAHWEH with all your heart; do not rely on your own insight.  Let HIS presence pervade all your ways and HE will protect your foot from the snare.

Do not consider yourself wise, fear GOD, and turn away from evil.  This will be a medicine to your body and a relief to your bones.

Honor YAHWEH, giving HIM from what you have, the first fruits of all your produce.  Then your barns will be filled to overflowing, your vats will brim over with wine.

My son, do not scorn the discipline of YAHWEH; do not ignore HIS correction.  For YAHWEH corrects those HE loves, as a father does his beloved son." - Proverbs 3:5-12 

(The text deals with the attitudes leading to wisdom: humility, being willing to sacrifice what GOD wants, not becoming discouraged when the LORD corrects us, that is to say, when we are tested [see Hebrews 12:5 and Revelation 3:19].

The proverbs insist on the value of advice, discipline, correction: to live as one pleases, according to one's fantasies causes all sorts of misfortune: this is a saying of Proverbs.)


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