Sunday, March 13, 2022

Triumphant Trust In GOD

 "YAHWEH is my light and my salvation
--whom shall I fear?
YAHWEH is the rampart of my life;
I will not be afraid.

Hear my voice when I call, O YAHWEH,
have mercy on me and answer.
My heart says to YOU,
'I seek YOUR face, O YAHWEH.'

Do not hide YOUR face from me
nor turn away YOUR servant in anger.
YOU are my protector, do not reject me;
abandon me not, O GOD my savior!

I hope I am sure,
that I will see the goodness of YAHWEH
in the land of the living.

Trust in YAHWEH, be strong and courageous
yes, put your hope in YAHWEH!"
- Psalm 27:1. 7-8. 8-9. 13-14

(The anonymous voice of the last verse proposes and ratifies: courage rather than fear; hope rather than discouragement.  This is true too for the Christian; before danger, there is a word of encouragement, for instance in John 16:33 and Matthew 14:26.  Here is a beautiful prayer to cultivate the absolute trust of the believer in GOD.)

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