Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Confident Prayer In Distress

 "... free me from the snare that they have set for me.  Indeed YOU are my protector.
Into YOUR hands I commend my spirit; YOU have redeemed me, O YAHWEH, faithful GOD.
I hear whispering among the crowd, rumors that frighten me from every side--their conspiracies, their schemes, their plot to take my life.
But I put my trust in YOU, O YAHWEH, I said: 'YOU are my GOD;'
my days are in YOUR hand.  Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, from those after my skin.
Make YOUR face shine upon YOUR servant; save me in YOUR love."
- Psalm 31:5-6. 14. 15-16. 17

(This psalm has so many nuances and so many different perspectives that, whoever prays with it, can remain wherever he feels more comfortable.  At the end of the psalm, love prevails.

The psalmist appears to be in a state of desperation.  At times, we too can identify ourselves with such a situation.  However, he does not give up hope when he asks the LORD to, "Save me in YOUR love" in the very last words.  There also are prophetic words in this psalm as JESUS HIMSELF in Luke 23:46 utters the words, "Into YOUR hands I commend MY spirit."  JESUS once again shows us the way, even at the last hour.  Our hope and trust in the LORD can be restored by repeatedly praying with this psalm.)

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