Friday, January 10, 2020

HE Came Born Of Woman And Subject To The Law

"But when the fullness of time came, GOD sent HIS Son.  HE came, born of woman, and subject to the law, in law, that we might receive adoption, as children of GOD.  And because you are children, GOD has sent into your hearts, the spirit of HIS Son, who cries out: Abba! that is, FATHER!
You yourself, are no longer a slave, but a son or daughter, and yours is the inheritance, by GOD's grace." - Galatians 4:4-7 

(CHRIST saves humans because HE is a man.  CHRIST came first as the savior of the Jewish people and, to save them, HE became one of them.  HE received HIS whole formation from the law, namely, from the people and religion of the Old Testament.  This law was highly positive, but, as time passed, we had to be redeemed from the yoke of this law to receive the fullness of divine truth.

We must see in this obedience of CHRIST born of woman and subject to the law a fundamental disposition of the plan of salvation: GOD saves us by becoming one of us.  The same is now true of the Church, which saves people rather than giving to them or "being interested in them."  The Church cannot bring them a permanent and transforming salvation if it does not share in their very condition.

This is the reason why the LORD wants Third World churches to bear the cross of the people of their continents: their marginalization, their sufferings and humiliations, in order to lead them to authentic salvation.  When there are only middle-class churches following occidental or Roman patterns, these churches are unfaithful to their mission.)


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