Tuesday, January 14, 2020

GOD's Inheritance Is For All

"You may have heard of the graces GOD bestowed on me, for your sake.  By a revelation, he gave me the knowledge of HIS mysterious design, as I have explained in a few words.  On reading them, you will have some idea of how I understand the mystery of CHRIST.
This mystery was not made known to past generations, but only now, through revelations, given to holy apostles and prophets, by the Spirit.  Now, the non-Jews share the inheritance; in CHRIST JESUS, the non-Jews are incorporated, and are to enjoy the Promise..
This is the Good News,..." - Ephesians 3:2-6 
(Paul emphasizes what he has meditated on in jail, what seems most new in the work of CHRIST: this is the "mystery," or GOD's plan calling all people to become a single body, without any racial distinctions.  JESUS proclaimed the equality {Matthew 20], but the early Christians needed several divine interventions before they were convinced [Acts 10].)


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