Monday, August 05, 2019

We Lack Dynamism To Evangelize And Change The World

"But MY people did not listen;
Israel did not obey.
So I gave them over to their stubbornness
and they followed their own counsels.
If only MY people would listen,
if only Israel would walk in MY ways,
I would quickly subdue their adversaries
and turn MY hand against their enemies.
Those who hate YAHWEH would cringe before HIM,
and their panic would last forever.
I would feed you with the finest wheat 
and satisfy you with honey from the rock."
- Psalm 81:12-17

(This psalm urges us to listen to the voice of the LORD, because idols are with us, even today.  'We lack dynamism to evangelize and change the world: this is because, we still have idols even in our apostolic planning.  GOD HIMSELF in the Transfiguration tells in Matthew 17:5, 'This is MY Son, the Beloved, MY Chosen One.  Listen to HIM.'

GOD keeps HIS promise.  If only we would listen, we would have food for body and soul.)


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