Monday, August 19, 2019

Salvation Is Always A Gift Of GOD

"It was then, that a young man approached HIM and asked, 'Master, what good work must I do to receive eternal life?'  JESUS answered, 'Why do you ask ME about what is good?  One, only, is good.  If you want to enter eternal life, keep the commandments?'  The young man said, 'Which commandments?'  JESUS replied, 'Do not kill; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not bear false witness; honor your father and mother.  And love your neighbor as yourself.'
The young man said to HIM, 'I have kept all these commandments.  What do I still lack?'  JESUS answered, 'If you wish to be perfect, go, sell all that you possess, and give the money to the poor; and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come back and follow ME.'
On hearing this, the young man went away sad, for he was a man of great wealth." - Matthew 19:16-22 
(JESUS faces a question.  HE discloses three aspects and gives three answers:

One only is good.  This man has been captivated by the personality of JESUS, and JESUS, as always, directs him to the FATHER.  There is, in fact, a distortion to Christian faith, dangerous as it is subtle: to speak only of JESUS: "JESUS sees you..." "JESUS loves you..." JESUS is love..." as if we were not living for GOD.  Love of the FATHER is and working for HIS kingdom.  First of all it needs to be free, and the rich can only be free through voluntary poverty.

The man also wanted to know how to receive eternal life [the text says in Hebrew style "to have in heritage"] and JESUS will clearly state at the end, that even if we obey the commandments, we do not "merit" eternal life: salvation is always a gift of GOD.)


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