Monday, June 03, 2019

You Will Have Trouble In The World; But, Courage! I Have Overcome The World

"The disciples said to HIM, 'Now YOU are speaking plainly and not in veiled language!  Now we see that YOU know all things, even before we question YOU.  Because of this we believe that YOU came from GOD.'
JESUS answered them, 'You say that you believe?  The hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each one to his home, and you will leave ME alone.  Yet I AM not alone, for the FATHER is with ME.
I have told you all this, so that in ME you may have peace.  You will have trouble in the world; but, courage!  I have overcome the world.'" - John 16:29-33 

(The naïve response of the apostles in this text underlines by contrast what JESUS expressed in verse 25.  JESUS did not mean that HE would return in visible form to teach, not in parables, but more clearly; JESUS referred rather to the spiritual knowledge of HIMSELF and HIS words that the disciples were to receive from the Spirit.)


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