Thursday, June 13, 2019

Portrait Of An Apostle

"Since this is our ministry, mercifully given to us, we do not weaken.  We refuse to stay with half-truths through fear; we do not behave with cunning, or falsify the message of GOD, but, manifesting the truth, we commend ourselves to the conscience of everyone, in the sight of GOD.
In fact, if the gospel we proclaim remains obscure, it is obscure only for those who go to their own destruction.  The god of this world has blinded the minds of these unbelievers, lest they see the radiance of the glorious gospel of CHRIST, who is GOD's image.  It is not ourselves we preach, but CHRIST JESUS, as LORD;  and, for JESUS' sake, we are your servants.  GOD, who said, Let the light shine out of darkness, has also made the light shine in our hearts, to radiate, and to make known the glory of GOD, as it shines in the face of CHRIST." - 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 

(It is worthwhile underlining some features of the portrait of an apostle as Paul sketches it:
- We do not lose heart.
- We do not proceed with trickery nor do we falsify GOD's message.
- We are more than your servants.
- We display for everyone to discover in us the glory of GOD that shines in CHRIST's face.
- We carry the death of JESUS so that HIS life may be revealed in us.
- We believe and that is why we speak.)


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