Saturday, February 02, 2019

Sometimes We Feel Trapped, As If In Prison, By The Problems Of Life

"YAHWEH said to my LORD,
'Sit at MY right hand
till I make YOUR foes YOUR footstool.'

From Zion YAHWEH will extend YOUR mighty scepter;
and YOU will rule in the midst of YOUR enemies.

YOURS is royal dignity 
from the day YOU were born in holy majesty.
Like dew from the womb of the dawn,
I have begotten YOU.

YAHWEH has sworn,
and HE will not take back HIS word:
'YOU are a priest, forever,
in the order of Melchizedek.'"
- Psalm 110:1-4

(Sometimes we feel trapped, as if in prison, by the problems of life.  This psalm is a flash of lightning illuminating the prison and showing us an unexpected escape towards heaven.  In spite of some obscure expressions, the overall meaning is clear: from Zion will come, the one who will be victorious over all the hostile powers.  The struggle will be hard, but GOD will finally ask HIM to sit at HIS right; and all will be subject to HIM.  Our LORD is the Son the GOD.

We can pray with this psalm, evoking the political consciousness of authority.  A Christian reading asks for the psalm, to be deprived of its violence.  CHRIST is king and priest, but king 'of justice, love and peace;' the priest who entered the sanctuary through HIS own blood and has opened up for us access to the sanctuary.  Let us pray for the people of GOD, who are kingly and priestly people.)


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