Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The FATHER Of Light In Whom There Is No Change Or Shadow Of A Change

"Happy are those who patiently endure trials, because, afterward, they will receive the crown of life, which the LORD promised to those who love HIM.  No one, when tempted, should say, 'This temptation comes from GOD.'  GOD is never tempted, and HE can never tempt anyone.  Instead, each of us is lured, and enticed, by our own evil desire.  Once this desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when fully grown, gives birth to death.
Do not be deceived, my beloved.  Every good and perfect gift comes from above, from the FATHER of Light, in whom there is no change, or shadow of a change.  By HIS own will, HE gave us life, through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of offering to HIM, among HIS creatures." - James 1:12-18 

(No one, when tempted, should say.  Most people are secretly resentful toward GOD and do not miss an opportunity to blame HIM for their own mistakes.

The FATHER of Light in whom there is no change or shadow of a change.  Because we are inconsistent, James invites us to look to the FATHER who does not change and whose holiness and happiness are touched by nothing.  What an amazing thing: in HIS eternity, the FATHER enjoys our presence, while we who live in time do not yet know how to focus on HIM.  We must acquire the same firmness and constancy that are in GOD.

HE gave us life.  This affirmation will be developed in 1 Peter 1.  It is a reminder of Baptism through which we received new life.  James draws this conclusion; we must keep the word  of GOD, meditate on it to find out what it demands of us.  It is not enough to have improved our lives for a while in preparation for Baptism; we must persevere on the path of goodness.)


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