Wednesday, August 30, 2017

YOU Have Searched Me And YOU Know Me, LORD

"Where else could I go from YOUR Spirit?
Where could I flee from YOUR presence?
YOU are there, if I ascend the heavens;
YOU are there, if I descend to the depths.

If I ride on the wings of the dawn,
and settle on the far side of the sea,
even there, YOUR hand shall guide me,
and YOUR right hand shall hold me safely.
Shall I say, 'Let darkness hide me,
I prefer the night as my light?'

But darkness, for YOU, is not dark;
and night, for YOU, shines as the day."
-Psalm 139:7-12

(Our thoughts may sweep and soar over the world, over the bewildering profusion of the galaxies, and know that GOD is there, wherever our mind's eye looks--and that HE is also in the depths of our own soul.

Isn't it irrational for anyone to hate the LORD, since, all good things come from HIM?  The ways of GOD are unsearchable, HIS wisdom is an abyss [cf. Romans 11:33].  GOD gets close to us and embraces us, not to condemn us, but to guide our feet toward HIS love.  If we want to taste divine love and appreciate the dignity of man, it will do us good, to pray with this magnificent psalm.)

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