Monday, August 28, 2017

Woe To You

"But woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!  You shut the door to the kingdom of heaven in people's faces.  You, yourselves, do not enter it, nor do you allow others to do so.
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites!  You devour widows' property; and as a show, you pray long prayers!  Therefore, you shall receive greater condemnation.  Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!  You travel by sea and land to make a single convert; yet, once he is converted, you make him twice as fit for hell as yourselves!
Woe to you, blind guides!  You say: To swear by the temple is not binding; but, to swear by the gold of the temple is binding.  Foolish men!  Blind men!  Which is of more worth: the gold in the temple, or the temple which makes the gold a sacred treasure?  You say: To swear by the altar is not binding, but to swear by the offering on the altar is binding.  How blind you are!  Which is of more value:  the offering on the altar, or the altar which makes the offering sacred?
Whoever swears by the altar, is swearing by the altar and by everything on it.  Whoever swears by the temple, is swearing by the temple, and by GOD, who dwells in the temple.  Whoever swears by heaven, is swearing by the throne of GOD, and by HIM, who is seated on it." - Matthew 23:13-22 

(You shut the door to the kingdom of heaven.  Do not forget that "the kingdom of Heaven" means the kingdom of GOD.  Many teachers of the people of GOD are an obstacle on the path leading to the true knowledge of GOD the FATHER.  Even in the smallest village, the Jews had teachers of the law but in fact, crowds came to JESUS to ask for what those priests and teachers did not give them.  How can we forget that even in the Church religious education is often limited to moral compartment and keeping within religious norms?  Hearing and constantly meditating on the word of GOD would have favored the awakening of great ambitions: the search for GOD and apostolic creativity.

You say: To swear by the treasure of the temple.  JESUS refers to the common practices in HIS time.  Some teachers found ways to get around certain oaths.  In that manner, clever people could swear falsely and deceive their opponents by swearing firmly without promising much.

How could JESUS call such men hypocrites when they were so versed in the knowledge of the Scriptures?

In the language of JESUS, the word "hypocrite" equally denotes what is superficial as well as the one who makes light of what is of GOD.  Obviously not all the Pharisees were hypocrites; but JESUS denounces a frequent deformation in the religious elite.  HE calls us to be wary of those institutions born of possessors of wealth and culture who aspire to direct others--and the Church--without having learned from the poor or practiced true humility.

The mystery of GOD is so deep that no one can present himself as HIS lieutenant.  The Pharisees trained, taught and gained many followers in the faith but their fasts and alms were already rewarded.  Pride and love of money were given their place.)


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