Thursday, November 26, 2015

The GOD Of Daniel

Hello! and happy good Thursday to all of us; and, it's just 29 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  For our today's "daily bread":

THE GOOD NEWS (26 November 2015)
"King Darius wrote to the nations, to peoples of every language, 'Peace to you all!  I decree that throughout my kingdom people should reverence and fear the GOD of Daniel. 
King Darius
'For HE is the living GOD,  
forever HE endures; 
HIS kingdom will not be crushed,
HIS dominion will never cease.
HE rescues and HE delivers; 
HE performs signs and wonders 
both in heaven and on earth. 
And HE came to Daniel's rescue 
saving him from the lions' tooth and claw.'
Daniel greatly prospered during the reign of Darius and the reign of Cyrus the Persian." - Daniel 6:25-28

(Fear GOD, for HE is the living GOD. - Milo R. Arbo)

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