Friday, November 20, 2015

My House Shall Be A House Of Prayer!

Hello! and happy TGIF to all of us; and, it's just 35 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  For our this Friday's "food for the soul":

THE GOOD NEWS (20 November 2015)
"Then JESUS entered the Temple area and began to drive out the merchants.  And HE said to them, 'GOD says in the Scriptures:

My house shall be a house of prayer: but you have turned it into a den of robbers.'
JESUS was teaching everyday in the Temple.  The chief priests and teachers of the Law wanted to kill HIM and the elders of the Jews as well, but they were unable to do anything, for all the people were listening to HIM and hanging on HIS words." - Luke 19:45-48

(Nowadays, do we really consider that the structure [Church] is a holy place for us to commune with GOD, and not for anything else?)

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