Sunday, August 14, 2022

Then The End Will Come, When CHRIST Delivers The Kingdom To GOD The FATHER

 "Then, the end will come, when CHRIST delivers the kingdom to GOD the FATHER, after having destroyed every rule, authority and power.  For HE must reign and put all enemies under HIS feet.  The last enemy to be destroyed will be death.  As Scripture says: GOD has subjected everything under HIS feet.

When we say that everything is put under HIS feet, we exclude, of course, the FATHER, who subjects everything to HIM.  When the FATHER has subjected everything to HIM, the Son will place HIMSELF under the One who subjected everything to HIM.  From then on, GOD will be all in all." - 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 

(Then the end will come, when CHRIST delivers the kingdom to GOD the FATHER.  Here again, let us leave aside simplistic images.  Let us remember that there is only one GOD.  Here, the Son is the word of GOD made flesh who has taken on HIS shoulders the whole history of humankind.  HE who is eternally returning to the FATHER from whom HE is born brings to the eternity of GOD all creation.  There will not be a re-beginning of history.  GOD will be all in all, we will receive GOD from GOD and we will have all, finally becoming ourselves.  That, surely, surpasses all we could have imagined, but Paul adds: The last enemy to be destroyed will be death.  John will say the same in Revelation [21:4].)


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