Monday, July 25, 2022

The Fall Of Jerusalem In The Year 586 B.C.

 "Do not remember against us the sins of our fathers.
Let YOUR compassion hurry to us, for we have been brought very low.
Help us, GOD, our savior, for the glory of YOUR name; forgive us, for the sake of YOUR name.
Listen to the groans of the prisoners; by the strength of YOUR arm, deliver those doomed to die.
Then we, YOUR people, the flock of YOUR pasture, we thank YOU forever.  We will recount YOUR praise from generation to generation."
- Psalm 79:8-9. 11. 13

(This psalm almost certainly refers to the fall of Jerusalem in the year 586 B.C.  There is a confession of guilt--the guilt of an earlier generation.  It is interesting that this ingredient should enter the solution of the problem of suffering: Has this man sinned--or his parents?  And, indeed, we may blame our ancestors, for some of our condition, so long as we realize that we may, and do, contribute to the unhappiness of our children.  We are the context into which they will be born, for better or for worse.  But the psalmist evidently does not will to call GOD's attention to the sins of his own generation except in passing.

As long as there are captives and blood is poured in this our land, whenever we live under the weight of guilt, it is a good time to pray with this psalm.)

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