Tuesday, April 20, 2021

"LORD, Do Not Hold This Sin Against Them."

 "'But you are a stubborn people.  You hardened your hearts and closed your ears.  You have always resisted the Holy Spirit, just as your fathers did.  Was there a prophet whom your ancestors did not persecute?  They killed those who announced the coming of the Just One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered; you, who, received the law through the angels but did not fulfill it.'

When they heard this reproach, they were enraged; and they gnashed their teeth against Stephen.  But he, full of the Holy Spirit, fixed his eyes on heaven and saw the glory of GOD, and JESUS at GOD's right hand; so he declared: 'I see the heavens open, and the Son of Man at the right hand of GOD.'

But they shouted and covered their ears with their hands, and rushed together upon him.  They brought him out of the city and stoned him; and the witnesses laid down their cloaks at the feet of a young man named Saul.  As they were stoning him, Stephen prayed saying: 'LORD, JESUS, receive my spirit.'  Then he knelt down and said in a loud voice: 'LORD, do not hold this sin against them.'  And when he had said this, he died.

Saul was there, approving his murder.  This was the beginning of a great persecution against the Church in Jerusalem.  All, except the apostles, were scattered throughout the region of Judea and Samaria." - Acts 7:51-8:1 

(You have always resisted the Holy Spirit.  This was and remains true in the Church that enjoys the assistance of the Spirit.  The people of GOD always tend to take on the criteria and aims of any human group.  Peace with those in political power, security for the future, unity and strength for the Christian organizations are more attractive than the words of the Gospel: sell all your belongings, preach from the rooftops, go to the poor, do not be called "father.'

The only way to escape from this return to "the Synagogue" is to do what the first Christians did after Stephen's death: leave our beloved nest for the mission of proclaiming the whole Gospel.

The death of Stephen leads to a resurrection.  Instead of Stephen, the Church will have a new apostle in Saul who, after his conversion, will become "Paul."  So  GOD heard the prayer of Stephen for his murderers.

The illegal execution of Stephen unleashes the persecution against the Hellenist Christians.  The apostles and others in the Hebrew group were not persecuted, because they were considered loyal to the Jewish religion and traditions.

Concerning Saul's attitude, see what he himself will say later in Galatians 1:13.)


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