Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Body Builds Itself, In Love

 "But to each of us, divine grace is given, according to the measure of CHRIST's gift.  Therefore, it is said: When HE ascended to the heights, HE brought captives and gave HIS gifts to people.

HE ascended, what does it mean, but, that HE had also descended to the lower parts of the world?  HE, HIMSELF, who went down, then ascended far above all the heavens, to fill all things.  As for HIS gifts, to some, HE gave to be apostles; to others, prophets, or even evangelists; or pastors and teachers.  So, HE prepared those who belong to HIM, for the ministry, in order to build up the Body of CHRIST, until we are all united, in the same faith and knowledge of the Son of GOD.  Thus, we shall become the perfect Man, upon reaching maturity, and sharing the fullness of CHRIST.

Then, no longer shall we be like children, tossed about by any wave, or wind of doctrine; and deceived by the cunning of people, who drag them along into error.  Rather, speaking the truth, in love, we shall grow in every way, toward HIM, who is the head, CHRIST.  From HIM, comes the growth of the whole body, to which a network of joints gives order and cohesion, taking into account, and making use of, the function of each one.  So, the body builds itself, in love." - Ephesians 4:7-16 

(JESUS of Nazareth lived humbly until HIS death only once, but having been made the Head of humanity through HIS resurrection, HE suffers everywhere; HE works in every field of human activity; gives HIS life in every possible way; HE gathers in HIMSELF every form of love, and lives the whole diversity of human existence in the person of HIS members.

Then no longer shall we be like children.  Paul suggests that the Ephesians are still children, at least from time to time, when they allow themselves to be influenced by some trend of opinion.  He invites them to become a mature community, capable of being led by the truth, and of building itself up through love.  We too should ask ourselves if we have really gone beyond the time when the "faithful" constantly waited for others to think for them, guide them and push them.)


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