Wednesday, September 09, 2020

The Believers Of Weak Or Unformed Conscience

 "What if others with an unformed conscience see you, a person of knowledge, sitting at the table in the temple of idols?  Will not their weak conscience, because of your example, move them to eat also?  Then, with your knowledge, you would have caused your weak brother or sister to perish, the one for whom CHRIST died.  When you disturb the weak conscience of your brother or sister, and sin against them, you sin against CHRIST HIMSELF.  Therefore, if any food will bring my brother to sin, I shall never eat this food, lest my brother or sister fall." - 1 Corinthians 8:10-13 

(Paul speaks of those of weak or unformed conscience, meaning the believers who have not yet had sufficient religious instruction or who have been badly instructed.  They think that something is sinful when in reality it is not; or they are weak and follow others when their conscience reproaches them for doing so.

What if others with an unformed conscience see you, a person of knowledge, sitting at the table in the temple of the idols.  This is more serious.  Some in the community already follow a path that will be denounced by John in Revelation [2:23], those who later would be known as the "Nicolaites."  They wanted to be very open and not separate from the non-Christians around them, so they preferred not to manifest their convictions.  Finally one could not tell what truth they were witnesses to.) 


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