Sunday, February 16, 2020

Your LIght Will Break Forth As The Dawn

"Fast by sharing your food with the hungry,
bring to your house the homeless,
clothe the one you see naked
and do not turn away from your own kin.

Then will your light break forth as the dawn
and your healing come in a flash.
Your righteousness will be your vanguard,
the glory of YAHWEH your rearguard.
Then you will call and YAHWEH will answer,
you will cry and he will say, I am here.

If you remove from your midst the yoke,
the clenched fist and the wicked word,
If you share your food with the hungry
and give relief to the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the dark,
your night will be like noon."
- Isaiah 58:7-10

 (Sharing your food with the hungry: and that on a world scale for humankind is one, the only Adam of whom CHRIST is the head.

Your light will break forth as the dawn.  We see the leaders of the nations come together, discuss and study in order to solve the urgent problems of humanity.  No light breaks forth.  It is a known fact that the research of a scientist does not bring him directly to great discoveries.  Rather, he often finds the solution suddenly where he did not expect it.  In the same way, human problems resist theoretical solutions, but unexpected ways will be found when every nation and every segment of society willingly shares and no longer oppresses others.)

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