Tuesday, November 05, 2019

"FATHER, I Place Myself In YOUR Hands."

"O YAHWEH, my heart is not proud
nor do I have arrogant eyes.
I am not engrossed in ambitious matters,
nor in things too great for me.

I have quieted and stilled my soul,
like a weaned child, on its mother's lap;
like a contented child is my soul.
Hope in YAHWEH, O Israel,
now and forever."
- Psalm 131:1-3

(A perfect expression of the childlike trust and peace which should be the attitude of the children of GOD!  But, not one that is achieved without effort--'I have quieted and stilled my soul'.

The prayer of Charles de Foucauld, "FATHER, I place myself in YOUR hands," is a beautiful paraphrase of this psalm.)


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