Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Christian's Life Must Appear Like Slavery To Whoever Looks At It Externally

"... you see, that I speak in a very human way, taking into account that you are not fully mature.
There was a time, when you let your members be slaves of impurity and disorder, walking in the way of sin; convert them, now, into servants of righteousness, to the point of becoming holy.
When you were slaves of sin, you did not feel under obligation to righteousness, but what were the fruits of those actions, of which you are now ashamed?  Such things bring death.  Now, however, you have been freed from sin and serve GOD.  You are bearing fruit, and growing in holiness, and the result will be life everlasting.  So, on one side is sin: its reward, death; on the other side, is GOD: HE gives us, by grace, life everlasting, in CHRIST JESUS, our LORD." - Romans 6:19-23 

(In Paul's time there were cases of slaves being exchanged by owners.  A free person with debts could sell himself to his debtor in payment of his debts.  The comparison used by Paul teaches us to be meekly at the disposal of the Spirit, as slaves who are not owners of their own persons.  Let us look at what the Spirit advises before making any decision.

The Christian's life must appear like slavery to whoever looks at it externally.  Yet the Christian feels and knows himself to be free.  The best example might be that of a mother totally dedicated to her sick child: she is totally free, because she has no other law than her love.)


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