Sunday, September 01, 2019

The City Of The Living GOD

"What you have come to, is nothing known to the senses: nor heat of a blazing fire, darkness and gloom and storms, blasts of trumpets or such a voice that the people pleaded, that no further word be spoken.  For they could not endure the order that was given: Every man or beast reaching the mountain shall be stoned.  The sight was so terrifying, that Moses said: I tremble with fear.
But you came near to Mount Zion, to the City of the living GOD, to the heavenly Jerusalem, with its innumerable angels.  You have come to the solemn feast, the assembly of the firstborn of GOD, whose names are written in heaven.  There is GOD, Judge of all, with the spirits of the upright, brought to perfection.  There is JESUS, the mediator of the new Covenant, with the sprinkled blood that cries out more effectively than Abel's." - Hebrews 12:18-24 

(You came near to Mount Zion.  This mountain on which Jerusalem was built was for the Jews the image of the heavenly city.  At the time of their baptism the believers experienced to different degrees a transformation giving them a joyful awareness of belonging to GOD.  They experienced it in a community context where they became one in the family of GOD, of saints and angels.  Perhaps they came to know something of this mysterious center where the destiny of the world is decided and where JESUS HIMSELF is present.  They must not forget later the experiences given them in enlightened times.)


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