Sunday, July 07, 2019

The World Has Been Crucified To Me

"For me, I do not wish to take pride in anything, except in the cross of CHRIST JESUS, our LORD.  Through HIM, the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
Let us no longer speak of the circumcised and of non-Jews, but of a new creation.  Let those who live according to this rule receive peace and mercy: they are the Israel of GOD!  Let no one trouble me any longer: for my part, I bear in my body the marks of JESUS.
May the grace of CHRIST JESUS our LORD be with your spirit, brothers and sisters.  Amen.  - Galatians 6:14-18 

(The world has been crucified to me.  Paul has chosen a different way.  He goes on his way, without a home, persecuted by some, despised by others, feared by those who cannot stand his example of complete abnegation, nor his mingling with so many people whom they consider inferior.  This is to follow CHRIST to the cross.)


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