Sunday, May 26, 2019

Remain In MY Love!

"As the FATHER has loved ME, so I have loved you.  Remain in MY love!  You will remain in MY love if you keep MY commandments, just as I have kept MY FATHER's commandments and remain in HIS love.
I have told you all this, that MY own joy may be in you, and your joy may be complete. - John 15:9-11 

(After making it clear that we depend totally on HIM, JESUS repeats HIS commandment of love.  There is a necessary order in building the Christian life.

If from the start we say: We should love our neighbor because this is the only commandment, we will achieve nothing; because each one understands love in his own way, while not having as yet interiorized the thinking of CHRIST.  Moreover, we need to receive from the source of all love the ability to love selflessly.  CHRIST asks us to first share HIS thinking: that is what the expression, keep MY commandments means.  Thus we become HIS friends, knowing HIM as a person who loves us and acts in us.  Later we will produce the authentic fruit of love, whose source is CHRIST.)


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