Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Sin Is To Refuse To Allow Oneself To Be Born Again From Above

"Again, JESUS said to them, 'I AM going away, and though you look for ME, you will die in your sin.  Where I AM going you cannot come.'  The Jews wondered, 'Why does HE say that we can't come where HE is going?  Will HE kill HIMSELF?'
But JESUS said, 'You are from below and I AM from above; you are of this world and I AM not of this world.  That is why I told you that you will die in your sins.  And you shall die in your sins, unless you believe that I AM HE.'
They asked HIM, 'Who are YOU?'; and JESUS said, 'Just what I have told you from the beginning.  I have much to say about you and much to condemn; but the One who sent ME is truthful and everything I learned from HIM, I proclaim to the world.'
They didn't understand that JESUS was speaking to them about the FATHER.  So JESUS said, 'When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I AM HE and that I do nothing of MYSELF, but I say just what the FATHER taught ME.  HE who sent ME is with ME and has not left ME alone; because I always do what pleases HIM.'
As JESUS spoke like this, many believed in HIM." - John 8:21-30 

(Sin is not just doing something bad.  Sin is, also, to enclose ourselves in our own petty problems and rely on human wisdom, without opening ourselves to the horizons of GOD.  This eventually leads to death, for a life closed to GOD is no real life.  Scripture divides people into two groups: those from above, who seek GOD's ways, and those from below, who seek limited human goals.  Sin is to refuse to allow oneself to be born again from above, as JESUS told Nicodemus [3:3].  These Jews did not believe in JESUS, because HIS way of life and HIS message reflected a world of transcendent values--beyond this world--that did not attract them.  JESUS would have wasted HIS time with them; the wisdom of GOD would be better revealed in HIS death on the cross [verse 28].)


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