Saturday, October 06, 2018

The Ways Of GOD Are Unsearchable, HIS Wisdom Is An Abyss

"YOUR eyes saw the course of my days;
they were all recorded in YOUR book,
before any of them came to be.

How difficult it is to grasp YOUR thoughts, O GOD!
Their number cannot be counted.
If I tried to do so, they would outnumber the sands;
I am never finished with YOU.

If only YOU would slay the wicked, O GOD,
and drive away from me the violent!
They rebel false-heartedly, 
YOUR foes blaspheme YOUR name.

I hate those who hate YOU, O YAHWEH,
and loathe those who defy YOU.
I hate them deeply;
they have become my foes.

Search me, O GOD, and know my heart;
try me, and know my thoughts.
See if my steps are going astray,
and lead me in YOUR eternal way."
- Psalm 139:16-24

(The human architecture is so divine that it carries the imprint of GOD.  The adventures of this wonderful work of GOD which is the human being are affectionately cared for, by the divine care.  Isn't it irrational for anyone to hate the LORD, since all good things come from HIM?  The ways of GOD are unsearchable, HIS wisdom is an abyss [cf. Romans 11:33].  GOD gets close to us and embraces us, not to condemn us, but to guide our feet toward HIS love.  If we want to taste divine love and appreciate the dignity of man, it will do us good, to pray with this magnificent psalm.

In the closing verse, the psalmist wants to be led to eternal life.  Fortunately for us, JESUS tells us, 'Whoever believes has eternal life' [John 6:47] and again, 'I AM the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the FATHER but through ME' [John 14:6].)

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