Tuesday, September 04, 2018

The Spirit Teaches Us Wisdom

"GOD has revealed it to us, through HIS Spirit, because the Spirit probes everything, even the depth of GOD.
Who, but HIS own spirit, knows the secrets of a person?  Similarly, no one, but the Spirit of GOD, knows the secrets of GOD.  We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who comes from GOD and, through HIM, we understand what GOD, in HIS goodness, has given us.
So we speak by human wisdom, but in a language taught by the Spirit, explaining a spiritual wisdom to spiritual persons.  The one who remains on the psychological level does not understand the things of the Spirit.  They are foolishness for him; and he does not understand, because they require a spiritual experience.  On the other hand, the spiritual person judges everything, but no one judges him.  Who has known the mind of GOD so as to teach HIM?  But we have the mind of CHRIST." - 1 Corinthians 2:10-16 

(Christian faith proposes that which no human doctrine, no religion could have given us.  At times, comparing ourselves with those who follow a spiritual way outside Christianity, it would seem that we are saying the same thing with different words.  This is partly true regarding our attitudes and our choices in life, but we should not be afraid to confess the riches GOD has given us in CHRIST: HIS Spirit gives us what no one has ever penetrated.

Such knowledge is not intellectual, it is a gift of the Spirit that sows and develops in us the one and only truth.  It is very difficult to give an explanation of a truly spiritual experience.  We can only speak of wisdom to those who have attained a certain spiritual level.  That is why Paul tells the Corinthians that most of them are unable to criticize him.

The one who remains on the psychological level.  [Paul says precisely: "the psychic man"] does not reach the truth of CHRIST.  However the spiritual person, not necessarily the intellectual person, knows by gift of GOD the things of GOD.

The spiritual person judges everything but no one judges him.  He who sees has no way of convincing the blind person that there are colors.  He sees them, however, and knows that if the blind person does not see them, it is not because the thing is doubtful, but because the blind person has neither eyes nor criteria for that.  It is the same with the spiritual person and the carnal one.)


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