Thursday, August 02, 2018

Do Not Break YOUR Covenant With Us!

"...This you will say to them: Let my eyes shed tears night and day without ceasing!  For with a great wound has the virgin daughter of my people been wounded, a most grievous wound.
If I go into the country, I see those slain by the sword.  If I enter the city I see the ravages of famine.  For the prophet and the priest did not understand what was happening in the land.'
Have YOU then rejected Judah forever?  Do YOU abhor Zion?  Why have YOU wounded us and left us with no hope of recovery?
We hoped for salvation but received nothing good; we waited for healing, but terror came!
YAHWEH, we know our wickedness and that of our ancestors, and the times we have sinned against you.
For YOUR name's sake do not despise us; do not dishonor the throne of YOUR glory.  Remember us.  Do not break YOUR Covenant with us!
Among the worthless idols of the nations, are there any who can bring rain, or make the skies send showers?
Only in YOU, YAHWEH our GOD, do we hope, for it is YOU who do all this." - Jeremiah 14:17-22 

(Jeremiah appears weak and bitter, as the one who does not give YAHWEH's answer.  A true prophet is not accepted by HIS own people whereas those who provide opium for the people are praised.)


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