Thursday, June 22, 2017

YOUR Works, O LORD, Are Justice And Truth

I thank YAHWEH with all my heart
in the council of the just, in the assembly.

The works of YAHWEH are great
and pondered by all who delight in them.
Glorious and majestic are HIS deeds,
HIS righteousness endures forever.
HE lets us remember HIS wondrous deeds;
YAHWEH is merciful and kind.

Always mindful of HIS Covenant,
HE provides food for those who fear HIM.
HE shows HIS people the power of HIS arm
by giving them the lands of other nations.

The works of HIS hands are faithful and just,
trustworthy are all HIS precepts,
ordained to last forever,
bearers of truth and uprightness."
- Psalm 111:1-8

(This is an alphabetical acrostic--each successive line begins with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  It is only to be expected that there is not much logical development of thought.  It is more a series of separate reflections on the idea of reverence, 'awe' and 'fear' for GOD: but reverence for GOD who has saved us, bound HIMSELF to us in a covenant, and gives us food for soul and body.  The great works and wonders that HE performed revealed GOD's very SELF.

Praising GOD for everything is the ultimate word of creation, the final 'alleluia' to which we unite our voices, when we pray with this psalm: 'To HIM belongs everlasting praise.')

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