Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Live As Children Of Light

"You were once darkness, but, now, you are light, in the LORD.  Behave as children of light; the fruits of light are kindness, justice and truth, in every form.
You, yourselves, search out what pleases the LORD, and take no part in works of darkness, that are of no benefit; expose them instead.  Indeed, it is a shame even to speak of what those people do in secret, but as soon as it is exposed to the light, everything becomes clear; and what is unmasked, becomes clear through light.  Therefore it is said:
'Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, that the light of CHRIST may shine on you.'" - Ephesians 5:8-14 

(To imitate GOD [Romans 5:6-11] who loves everyone, the good and the bad [Matthew 5:48].  In a more tangible way we have a model in CHRIST, the Son of GOD, who gave HIMSELF out of love for us, as the way, the light and life.

Reject all that is shameful and that can only be done in the dark.  It is true that much that was shameful has become normal today for many people: will it be so for a person who often seeks light and looks for it in the face of CHRIST?  The witness of one Christian who lives in light [and still more of a community] is enough to condemn what has been taken as normal.)


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