Saturday, March 12, 2016

Free Me From My Persecutors

Hello! and happy good weekend to all of us, GUYS.  For our "food for the soul" this Saturday:

THE GOOD NEWS (12 March 2016)
"O LORD, my GOD, in YOU I take shelter; deliver me and save me from all my pursuers, lest lions tear me to pieces with no one to rescue me.
O LORD, my GOD, if my hands are stained with guilt - if with evil I have repaid good, if I have plundered unjustly my opponent, let the enemy hound me, let him crush me to the ground and lay down my glory in the dust.
Arise, O LORD, in YOUR wrath; rise up against the fury of my foes.  Awake, O my GOD and judge the nations, for the time of judgment has come.
Let the nations gather around YOU; and YOU take YOUR seat high above them.
Proclaim, O LORD, my righteousness; YOU see that I am blameless.
Bring to an end the power of the wicked, but affirm the just, O righteous GOD, searcher of mind and heart.
YOU cover me as a shield, O GOD, for YOU protect the upright.
A righteous judge is GOD, HIS anger ever awaiting those who refuse to repent. - Psalm 7:2-12
FATHER GOD, The Merciful

(A cry that comes from the depth of the soul, demanding justice.) 

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